Aren Sywroeganwyn

20 year old Monk
Limsa Native
Possessor of the Echo
Lover of Pink

The Life and Story of Aren
(aka Best Monk Ever)

Aren Swyroeganwyn is the daughter and second child of Swyroegan Greintoumsyn and Eyribryda Styrgeimwyn. Her older brother, Byrn Swyroegansyn, was a soldier in the Maelstrom who was witness to and perished during the Battle of Carteneau. Her older brother was her biggest inspiration as a child and the one who initially put the idea of becoming an adventurer in her head.After Byrn's death when she was 11, Aren became more passionate about her dreams to become an adventurer. She would do odd jobs for anyone who would let her in Limsa, even going out into La Noscea and braving goobbues to go to Summerford Farms and help them with harvests or keeping pests out of their land. It wasn't until she was 15 though that she began having odd dreams about the Mothercrystal and figures clad in black robes. Those dreams pushed her to quicken her pace with her adventuring; After having a brief, one-sided conversation with her parents, Aren left for U'ldah to become a pugilist on the night of her 16th birthday.While Aren's time in U'ldah was much longer than she anticipated to stay, she enjoyed every second of it. She had finally begun her foray into the wilds of foreign lands and (literally) fought for the betterment of lives in the city. She also had her first in-person meeting with one of those black-robed figures which meant she was headed in the right direction. After learning all she could at the Pugilist's Guild and becoming a monk, Aren had become acquainted with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn through Thancred. The idea of joining a group of people who also wanted to fight for the good of all people and stop evil made her giddy because she finally felt as though she was living up to the dreams she had as a child.Aren continued following through on many quests for the Scions, the people of Eorzea, and Eric (her new Monk "mentor"). Alphinaud's joining the Scions only made Aren even more passionate about working hard and doing her best, definitely not to impress him. Unless he is impressed. Is he? Never mind, off track. She would continue to put all her energy and heart into every quest she was given, as she fought primal after primal, stormed the Praetorium, and dealt with Ishgardian nonsense. Her resolve began to quietly weaken as she dealt with the death of Moenbryda and watching G'raha Tia lock himself in the Crystal Tower. Seeing those she and her fellow Scions cared about sacrificing themselves for the greater good brought her great sadness, seeing her brother in them. But the greatest storm was yet to pass for her, the truest test of her resolve and strength.That banquet in U'ldah shattered every perception Aren had about being a hero. Being framed for a murder she was helpless to stop, watching all her friends sacrificing themselves so she can escape alone, the open wound of betrayal on her heart was too much for her to take. If she didn't have Alphinaud, Tataru, and Haurchefaunt; Aren would have abandoned adventuring there and then just because of the guilt she felt. To her, it seemed all the needless death and carnage was on her head. But she couldn't keep feeling bad for herself when she still had friends who needed her help. Preparing herself for the worst and wearing her nicest coat, Aren traveled to Ishgard to continue the work the Scions had left unfinished.The Dragonsong War was the same year Aren turned 17 and one of the loneliest years of her life. She was miserable in Ishgard at first and wished she could go back home and be with her parents instead. But of course, she couldn't and had to stay in Coerthas to help with a war in which she had no part. Having Alphinaud, Tataru, and Haurchefant around was comforting to her and she did her best to remain a source of positivity for them while going through the routine of gaining the trust of Ishgardians and doing tasks for them to help them with the war.Aren's adventures in Coerthas and Dravania were mostly fun, she enjoyed spending more time with Alphinaud and getting to know him more without him being smarmy or bossing her around. Estinien and Ysayle could also be enjoyable when they weren't arguing as well. The turning point in Ishgard when the war went from something Aren was helping Ishgard with to make good impressions and try to a personal battle she would take to its end even if she had to drag herself to the finish line is The Vault. Haurchefant reminded Aren so much of Byrn that she considered him an older brother and was extremely close with him. His death triggered something in her brain that sent her back to the scared child she was when Byrn died. Sitting with him in his final moments and watching Thordan ride off into the sunset sparked a wave of anger in her that she hadn't felt since watching Bahamut streak through the sky. In the last part of her time in Ishgard, she can't even remember because everything she did was in an enraged fervor. Haurchefant's death already made it impossible for her to come down from her spike of anger. Still, Ysayle's sacrifice only angered her more so when she finally made it to The Singularity Reactor, all her pent-up anger from Byrn's death, the Scion's assumed deaths, having to go into hiding and not see her family. Haurchefant's death was let out onto Thordan. While Alphinaud and Estinien didn't see what happened down there, upon Aren's return it was clear she had exhausted herself physically and emotionally. Her hands were bloodied and beaten; Her eyes were dejected and empty but when she saw all those waiting for her she smiled at them reassuringly as if to make sure they were alright.It seemed as if Aren bounced right back after Azys Lla and continued helping Ishgard rebuild itself after the whole mess with Thordan. While things seemed to both get better and worse, with Aren getting drugged, Estinien being possessed by Nidhogg, and the Warriors of Darkness running around, she tried her best to weather the trials and continue giving hope to the people of Ishgard who so desperately needed a hero and hope.Going from Ishgard to Ala Mhigo, Aren was happy to be free from the cold Coerthas air and spending time in Thanalan. Although being back in Thanalan was still stressful for her. She knew very little about Gyr Abania and was excited to see it even if it was under Garlean rule. While Aren knew little about Lyse, she was excited to have her with them for their journey to the East and be able to fight with another monk.Aren's first meeting with Zenos was the most scared and helpless she had felt since The Vault. Having to watch him leave as she lay there made her feel weak and made her want to push herself to be able to prevent any more needless deaths and free the territories under Imperial subjugation. As she continued her travels in the Far East, she enjoyed her temporary moments of levity where she was a tourist in a new land and got to experience new cultures. The Steppe was her favorite place to visit in the Far East by far, having to deal with the internal fights of the Xaela felt more like she was returning to the roots of her adventuring and not having to fight in a giant war that would decide the future of Eorzea yet again. But as the Imperials stormed the Steppe she was reminded that things could never really be how they were before.(Unfinished, more coming!)
(Too many thoughts lmao)

Made by @PhantasmalGirl

Above: @skunkeys on TWT
Below: @juno99yk on TWT

Below: @CocoaButterYUM on TWT

Below: @SirScarab on TWT

Below: @natflorezz on TWT

Left: @Bunnyblu4 on TWT
Below: @moomiira on TWT

Below: @ottonium on TWT

Bottom 3: @natus_vincer on TWT